Mediterranean Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

Peer Review Policy


Generally, the process of peer review involves an exchange between a journal editor and a team of reviewers, also known as referees. After the referees receive a paper from the editor, they read it closely and provide individual critiques, usually within two to four weeks. Comment on the validity of the science, identifying scientific errors and evaluating the design and methodology used.

(1) Judge the significance by evaluating the importance of the findings. (2) Determine the originality of the work based on how much it advances the field. Reviewers also identify missing or inaccurate references. (3) Recommend that the paper be published or rejected. Editors don't have to heed this recommendation, but most do.

Articles submitted to MJBAS will be submitted to two reviewers. The article will be rejected immediately, if both the reviewers comment as REJECTED. Revision will be given, if at least one reviewer gives positive comments. However, thinks may flow as below:

1. Acceptance: We try to reduce this process to maximum two weeks. Before e-Publication, corresponding author can verify a proof copy of the paper. After e-Publication, paper will be in a queue to be published in one of MJBAS upcoming issues.

2. Minor revision: Authors will be asked to submit a revised copy beside cover letter showing authors’ rejoinders, and also a marked copy utilizing Track Changes in Review menu of Microsoft Word Documents. Revised manuscript should be submitted in one month after decision letter. Otherwise, authors need to go through a resubmission process.

3. Major revision: Authors should pay more attention to reviewers’ comments and focus on their highlighted points. Editor may/may not request the authors to resubmit their revised manuscript beside cover letter and a marked copy. Revised manuscript should be submitted in one month after decision letter. Otherwise, authors need to go through a resubmission process.

4. Reject: Causes of rejection will be sent to the authors to provide more chance for them for publication in other journals. 5. Withdraw: If the manuscript does not meet the scopes of the MJBAS, it will be withdrawn with suggestion to be sent to another journal. Articles submitted to MJBAS Journal may be rejected immediately if:

4. Withdraw: If the manuscript does not meet the scopes of the MJBAS, it will be withdrawn with suggestion to be sent to another journal. Articles submitted to MJBAS Journal may be rejected immediately if:

(a) It does not match the scope of the journal.
(b) If plagiarism level is high in Turnitin software.
(c) It does not match the scope of the journal.
(d) If plagiarism level is high in Turnitin software.


Cited by All Since 2020
Citations 704 675
h-index 12 12
i10-index 17 16