Mediterranean Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

Ethics & Policies


Manuscripts published in Mediterranean Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (MJBAS) strictly follows COPE-Publication Ethics. Research scholars, authors, editorial board members and reviewers are advised to adhere with the publication ethics so as to maintain the publication standard.

Plagiarism Policy: Mediterranean Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences is committed to publish original articles which is neither been published, under consideration in other journals and copying the contents from the previously published articles. Mediterranean Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences use different plagiarism tools for screening the articles towards plagiarism in the submitted articles.

Duplicate Submission: Mediterranean Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences does not consider duplicate submissions, that means, the articles that were previously published or under review in other journals, for review and further acceptance/publication.

Improper Author Contribution: It is imperative for authors to mention all contributing authors list in the manuscript while submission who has contributed their research works. Author inclusion or deletion is not permitted after acceptance. In such cases, the articles will be considered as fresh submission and will be re-submitted for review.

Conflict of Interest: Articles published in Mediterranean Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences must be supplemented by a conflict of interest disclosure. This includes Source of Funding, Competing Interests Statement, Ethical Approval, Consent to participate, Consent for publication, Availability of data and material, Code availability. Articles related to medical field will be asked for ethical approval so as to cope up with institutional guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals.

Data Manipulation: Mediterranean Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences will not permit data manipulation in text, figures, tables, equations and flowcharts.

Ethics & Policies are followed as per COPE



Cited by All Since 2020
Citations 704 675
h-index 12 12
i10-index 17 16